Tops on the wish list is a "Mickey boat trip" (Disney cruise) to go see bald eagles (in Alaska). Samuel absolutely adores bald eagles, and pretty much every other flying, walking, stalking creature in North America. They really like to "not like" bears, too, which are also pretty prevalent in the Alaskan wild. I've told him stories about how the bald eagles are everywhere up there, especially in Juneau where they're tantamount to pigeons in NYC. Needless to say, he's downright giddy about getting to see that many of them all in one place! Of course, they are both VERY excited about the "Mickey boat trip" (which I've assured Trinity does include Minnie, lol)! Everything about a boat trip is thrilling to them, and I am soooo confident this will be an adventure they never forget - especially since we fully intend to make the absolute most of it!
So, we'll see what ends up happening, but in the meantime.... YEEEAAAAAY for the incredible wonderful blessing of a truly amazing foundation that is committed to bringing joy to as many beautiful young people as possible. Please check out their site if you never have, this is a GOOD cause to support if you're ever looking. We are so very grateful.....

PS. worth noting the other "top" wish items were a dog and a cat, NEITHER of which are options until given the green light by our doctors...and neither of which do Mom or Dad want to deal with until the children are slightly more able to shoulder at least SOME of the responsibility :)
Regarding that last -- just a reminder that one little girl who was old enough PROMISED, oh did she PROMISE to take care of a little white fur ball named Snowball and we all know what happened with Snowball! LOL!!!The moral of the story is they are hardly ever "old enough" until they live in their own house!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut I am ecstatic that Samuel will be able to benefit from the gracious generosity of Make a Wish! What a wonderful organization to give children something wonderful t olook forward to when they are going through/have gone through so much. Make a Wish is truly amazing!