Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Young Stud

As we approach the first "end" of this journey, we just want to take a moment and give honor to the young man who has inspired + motivated us for the past 10 months with his incredibly positive, faithful attitude. Samuel McKinley Godsey will forever be a hero in our lives because he has faced a litany of procedures + treatments ranging from the annoyingly uncomfortable to the outright painful, and all the while... all the while, this boy smiles.

He is one of the most loving, compassionate, sensitive, bold + confident people we've ever known. He teaches us so much every day about overcoming. He has been very afraid. He has been very angry. He has been very anxious + confused. He has hated all of us at one point or another for "doing this to him". He has cried + screamed + kicked + withdrawn. And, all the while... all the while, this boy loves.

He has kicked his nurses and felt so terrible afterward that he hugs them + reassures them he was sorry + that he loves them. He has yelled at us + pulled away and always comes back to say he's sorry + that he loves us. He knows God loves him. He knows God won't let him be hurt for no reason. His faith is already blossoming to understand that there is + has been Purpose in everything he has been through.

We are so honored to be Samuel's parents. It is a gift from God to have stewardship over such a remarkable person. It is a privilege for us to help him learn + grow + develop into all that our Heavenly Father created him to be. And, there is no doubt that Samuel was created for greatness - not for his own edification - but that the grace, goodness, mercy + love of God be glorified in his prosperity + strength. We look forward to seeing his life unfold, embracing all the lessons this part of the journey has taught us, and moving ahead with renewed faith, revived joy, and an unwavering commitment to LIVE EACH DAY TO ITS ABSOLUTE FULLEST.

Thank you, yet again, for all your continued prayers + support + encouragement. We sincerely hope Samuel's victories remind all of us to treasure every moment, love everyone around us, reach out to others with compassion + caring, and to excitedly serve the loving Father who has nothing but Victory for ALL of us... if only we receive it.


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