Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Annual Pediatric Appointment

Okay, so it is impossible to NOT comment on this one. Saturday, we went in for Samuel's regular annual pediatric "check-up" appointment. We have a very nice pediatrician who has been great on every level, save one. It seems that since birth both of our children have been healthy, and therefore because of their height + weight differential actually measure in the "obese" area of the medical charts. Kid you not. CANNOT make this stuff up. Anyone who has ever actually SEEN our children would understand how utterly + blatantly ABSURD that conclusion is. What is most amusing (confusing?) is that our pediatrician is well aware of our family's eating + activity habits, so she knows both of them eat very healthy + are well-supplemented. Well, when one adds in the fact that Samuel is 6-months into a chemotherapy regimen, one might think the madness would ebb. Not so much. She really felt the necessity to tell us that, despite treatment + our very concerted efforts to make sure Samuel's weight does NOT drop, he is still "measuring in the slightly obese range". Is it wrong to want to walk out on your child's pediatrician? Or, at the very least give her "the look" - the look of "do you have any idea, a clue, even remotely of what we do to make sure this boy ingests plenty of solid healthy calories?!?!" Well, really, the ONLY good thing is that Daddy wasn't there to harangue her. HA! Needless to say, we came home + ATE... a LOT!!!!! And then had a great hearty laugh with everyone at Children's about the utter lack of common sense in some medical "standards".

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