Thursday, March 4, 2010

"HE" Did It Again!

I love how God works. So the day after posting some awesome faith resources about healing, we got to see God's healing power in action!

Yesterday turned out to be our second ER visit for a low-grade fever. Samuel had been a little bit warm since Monday, a little bit extra tired Wednesday, and finally spiked a slight fever by Wednesday night. Unfortunately, the real fever didn't set in until after the Clinic was closed :( but we praise God that Children's is so close to our home; and we were able to be there within an hour of the first sign of high temperature.

this is the "Im so thrilled to be here" face :{ hah
mask buddies :)
There are no words to describe how happy (and grateful!) we were to have Mawmaw able to drive up and be with us at Children's. Not much better than a Grandma...xo. Such a help to relieve any nerves in the children, and a tremendous help for Mom, too! 
story time...
is always a good time

Here's the truly amazing part. Prayer and positive healing confession was made from the first instant on, and we kept speaking nothing but healing + power into Samuel's body - which was made even more effective by the awesome power of agreement among all of us speaking + believing God over Samuel (and there was, and is, most definitely an incredible core of STRONG believers in agreement with us). By the time we reached the ER, the temperature had fallen slightly, and Samuel was feeling better - although he was noticeably nervous about the impending procedure for accessing his port, etc. 

By the time we were in our ER room, his temperature had returned to almost normal, and his bloodwork revealed no threats; so after some IV fluid + antibiotics (always given as a precaution) we got to all come back home together! 

We rested well, and have had a great day today - lots of eating, drinking, playing, and FORCED rest by Mom (I always get to be the bad guy, haha). We'll take it easy until we see our doctor on Monday, but we're so overwhelmed by the goodness of God that we can receive healing + health into our (and our children's!) bodies simply by KNOWING the Promises in the Word and SPEAKING them in FAITH over any + every situation. What a real joy to just KNOW that our children are healed + healthy, and we can just focus on walking it out... AMEN.  

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