Thursday, September 25, 2014

Who I am and Why I want to give back, by Samuel

My name is Samuel! I am 9, and I love to play football! 

When I was 4 ½, I was diagnosed with a rhabdomyosarcoma - a cancerous tumor of the body’s soft tissue. I had to have several surgeries and went through a year of chemotherapy. We went to the hospital almost every week that year. My hair fell out a few times, but when it came back my parents let me grow it out until it was long and curly, and I loved it!
In January 2011, at 6 ½ years old, I was diagnosed with a recurrence of the cancer. I had lost a lot of weight and wasn’t eating or drinking because the tumor had grown so big in my belly that there was no room for stuff to get into my stomach. I felt really yucky for a while, and we had to spend a long time in the hospital. The worst part was not being at home and missing my family, especially my little sister, Trinity. She is my best friend and has been with me through everything. I had another year of way stronger chemotherapy and radiation and had a lot of surgeries, too. Sometimes it was pretty scary. And sometimes I felt so happy because I had such great, loving people around me who wanted me to smile and feel better. My last treatment ever was December 31, 2012!
I have been blessed in so many ways throughout all of this. My body responded “miraculously” (my doctor’s word) to the medical treatment and supplemental care my parents gave me. At the very beginning, we all prayed for my body, and I think God is awesome for healing me! Trinity & I met some great friends, and we loved when people would make us feel special with an adventure or neat prizes. It made us smile so big and have fun even if we were stuck in my room at the hospital. I always remember that part. 

Even though I already overcame cancer, my whole family wants to still help other people that are going through what we went through. Please continue to help raise more money for research and support to prevent and cure this stuff so we can ALL overcome!

We really hope you will help us this year to raise $10,000 so we can do something cool for other kids facing cancer. We want to give them neat prizes, too! Because they deserve a good big smile.

Please click the link or scan the QR code to donate. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A New Birth!!!!!

On April 29, 2012 - the day before Samuel undergoes an extensive surgery to remove the remaining dead tumor tissue from his abdomen, we were blessed to celebrate his baptism! We would have made sure he had this opportunity sooner; but "life" had gotten so hectic and overwhelming in some ways that we had almost forgotten about it :\

We are so very grateful that Shepherd Christian Church - and especially the youth pastor, Pastor Julie - were so willing to help and have been so gracious in their love and kindness towards our family. Mom emailed Pastor Julie (almost in desperation!) on Friday to see about even the slightest possibility of using the church's facility for Samuel's baptism that weekend; and she responded with the full support of the church ministry that they would be honored to celebrate the momentous occasion with our family that very Sunday! "THANK YOU" yet again, is not nearly sufficient. We are humbled at their service to us, and we felt such genuine love that was a BEAUTIFUL moment in life.

 Pastor Julie performed the "dunk" :)
 getting ready
Samuel's teacher, Mrs Palmer, reads his testimony...Dad is standing just to the side of the baptism pool waiting to receive his son

 Ava, Trinity, Julian, Samuel and Martin

 cousin love :)
extended "family" xo
 Ms Andrea (Julian's mom) and the kids
 Uncle Kyle, Dad, and Martin
 Trin, Julian, Samuel, Tiranny, and Ava
 Pastor Tim + the proud papa
more of the awesome kiddos :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

After a Rough Start, Renewed Joy

To say that January and February were challenging months would be quite the understatement; however, Samuel is a remarkable young man who knows that he is blessed and that he has Promises of life + health + joy that he need only focus on to receive. He has wisdom beyond his years, and he reminds us often how plainly God says He is taking care of us so we have no cause for worry. Sometimes we will want to remind him that God is with him, protecting him, and that He has plans to prosper Samuel, giving him hope + a future ... and Samuel will look back rather matter-of-factly and say: "I know, Mom. I know. I already knew that from before I was even born." Well, alright then ;)

 Getting into room after surgery
 New prizes to open for distraction
About to go in for PET scan
 Nurse Molly!!!!!! and Ms Andrea....*loooooove*
 (We were doing our best to distract Samuel while Ms Molly peeled off face tape to reposition the NG tubing.... ie, NOT fun)
New book and prizes from Ms Andrea + Julian.....sooooo grateful for you......and thank you thank you thank you for all the coffee + emergency breakfast food for Mom......GOD BLESS YOU

 Loves his teddy from the Bath Family...and mama loved her coffee, too!
 We find reasons to be silly :-P

 She looooves her big brother (she just wanted to hug him)
 I made a bargain w/ Samuel that if I could make the wheelchair the most comfy chair in the whole world, he'd come downstairs to visit w/ Mawmaw + Trinity....he didn't really buy into it, but he humored his mom :)
 More silly times

 Checkin' out the belly
 "thumbs up"
 Mom is silly with everyone :)
 The IV pole looked like a crazy alien spaceship at night!!!! Look at all those lights!!!!
 (with the lights on) An INSANE amount of tubes..........
 Also loves his stuffed monkey from the Wells Family (xo)
 NOT amused to paint, but we kept forcing him to have some kind of fun :)
 Chillin' with Pops
 This is how they roll......
 .......oh yeah

 School time w/ Ms Tifanie!!!
 Video game time

 Sponge bath!!....this was an attempt to cheer him up (or at the very least to motivate him to SIT UP)....first pseudo-smile we had seen in a bit

This was (and forever will be) the skinniest anyone ever saw Samuel :/
 He jacked one of his nurses for her watch 
(prior to jacking another nurse for her iPhone for the day)...too stinking cute.
 There's that smile!!!!!
 Building Angry Bird figures from molding clay with "The Art Lady"
 Best fun he'd had in weeks!!!
 Tada! The proud arteeest
 Very cool
 Food fight game....GREAT time!
 Napping (LOL)
 More napping.......

 Lots of sleeping and resting and laying around for a while here....
Watchin' movies with Dad while Mom massages legs + feet 
 More Xbox - and it got him to sit up!!!! Victory!!!!
We finally made it to the playroom for games :) 
Hints of smiles!!!! This is GOOD stuff!!!! 
More Angry Birds :) 
More snuggles :) 

LOOOOOOOOVES his Maximus puppy from good friends Dirk + Laura (+ son Christian)
Thank you, thank you! This ginormous thing rode around on the IV pole with him EVERYwhere, haha! Brought smiles to bunches of kiddos on the floor every time Samuel walked by with him :) 
Making more clay toys 
Some days....just not so good. 

 Best sign ever from the best school ever!!!!! (this is huge by the way, at least 5 feet long!)
 Toys and prizes and crafts and games!!!!!
 Balloons! Balloons!
First blood transfusion...was not a very pleasant experience, but praise God there were NO allergic or otherwise "negative" reactions. 

[After being there a couple weeks, we moved into a (much!) bigger room w/ way more windows...definitely a good change!]
 Mooooore napping....
 Daddy snuggled with Samuel to comfort him during the transfusion
 Coolest toys! "Sing-a-ma-jigs" from Mrs Palmer!!!! Loooooove 'em :)
 Gonna get this NG tube out.....
 Tada!!!!!! Now we can see that gorgeous face!
 Angry Birds "board" game...became his INSTANT FAVORITE!!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ms Mary!!!!!
 Hours of fun

 Feelin' crappier :(

 Proud of his speed racer sticker :)
 We finally broke out of the floor and made it outside to the rooftop playground! FRESH AIR!!!!!
Bandana in place to help keep the hair out his face...started falling out pretty quickly